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The Oscars are just right around the corner. And the nominees were announced this month and the competition couldn't be any tougher. (click here to find out the nominees) With No Country for Old Men and Atonement going against There Will Be Blood for the the best picture, it is hard to decide which way the AMPAS (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) will sway towards. There Will Be Blood has a total of 8 nominations...
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I watched 'There Will Be Blood' this week and it left me speechless and mesmerized. After taking a five year vacation, Paul Thomas Anderson (Punch-Drunk Love, Magnolia) finally decided to return to the camera. This movie is an adaptation of Upton Sinclair's novel, Oil! starring one of the greatest actors of the century, Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano. They played their characters with such conviction and intensity that my eyes...
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What these four films have in common besides their close release date is that they all have a random cast. Without the right cast, a movie can be a hit or a miss. And even though all four of these movies involve random actors and actresses, it is undeniable that the movie will impress some more than others.-The Air I Breathe (Jan 25)  or go here...Jieho Lee's first movie, the air i breathe,...
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2008 will be a glorious year for movies. There are movies for EVERYONE this year, and i literally mean EVERYONE, no matter who you are, (ie: stoners, harrison ford fans, trekkies, wannabe wizards, BIG lovers).  With the Writers Guild of America on strike, movie companies tried to cram in as many movies into 2008 before they lost all their writers. So with so many movies to pick from, i wonder which film will be anticipated...
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