...tomorrow, where would it be? for me it would be...yep, thats right. it'll be TOKYO! michelle, nikki and i decided to go watch the cinematic triptych of three simulating tokyo-set stories directed but none other than michel gondry, leos carax, and joon-ho bong. it has the same style as paris, je t'aime and new york, i love you; each of the directors made their short about their own perception of human relationships...
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i got into cal state long beach's film school. aahhhhhhhsome!! now, we wait for ucla and usc! cross your mothafuckin finger...
this is not what i think it is... is it?IT IS!It seems a group of activists in the Ukraine calling themselves the UA Resistance, invoked the spirit of Tyler Durden by lighting up the side of an apartment complex in the form of a giant smiley face. The act was done in a non-violent effort to make a statement about the corruption causing high prices on apartment flats in the country.and now im thinking, im a huge fan of fight club...
this is quite amazing. my two favorite actresses coming together and making a faux advertisement about a faux perfume made by one of the most respected directors of the 20th century, roman polanski... watch and enjoy...or go here....
hello there! ive practically been "dead" so my apologies. like many of my fellow bloggers, i have decided to write only when i am inspired. that may be everyday or ever other month. however, i will do my best to provide you with all the latest information about new film releases or of my recent viewings. i know i have been focusing on film in general in this blog, but ive decided to branch out. i...