i probably shouldve posted this sooner but, this is the new trailer for the upcoming drama 'never let me go' from director mark romanek (one hour photo.) when i watched one hour photo in the 5th grade, i went in thinking it was going to another fun robin williams film. oh boy, was i wrong. if you havent watched it yet, please do. it erupted so many different kinds of emotions in me. it was really mind-blowing as a 5th grader....
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not gonna lie, the new poster for matt reeves' let me in is gorgeous and breathtaking. it also reminds me much of park chan-wook's thirst. riiiight?...
after watching the first sequence of the trailer, all i said to myself was 'what the fuck is this.' i started to wonder what kind of marketing scheme the social network people were up to with their teaser and first trailer that was not much of a trailer at all. but as i fell deeper and deeper into the trailer, i started to get chills all over my body and realized that this is going to be...
here are stills from darren aronofsky's new film starring beautiful natalie portman in black swan!! the film is going to open for the venice film festival in september. as well as portman, black swan includes mila kunis as portman's rival dancer, winona ryder (girl, interrupted), sebastian stan, barbara hershey and vincent cassel (irreversible).USA Today: "The dark tale with psychological twists stars Natalie Portman as Nina,...
firstshowing.net says: As we mentioned yesterday in the Green Lantern costume reveal, there are going to be a lot of big first look reveals this weekend and all next week for Comic-Con. Another new first look has arrived, again found in the pages of the latest Entertainment Weekly, this time for Zack Snyder's new action-heavy movie Sucker Punch. Meet some badass chics (from L to R): Abbie Cornish as Sweetpea; Jena Malone as...
omgomgomgomgomgomgomg. ive been waiting for this trailer for some time now. and the longer ive waited the longer this taste of bitterness and distaste for remakes has been left on my tongue. for those who havent seen let the right one in, the 2008 swedish film which left audiences across the globes in awe with its jaw-droppingly stunning cinematography and direction. so why the remake? but what...