daft punk + tron = EPPPPIIICCNESSSS!!!! cant stop bobbing my head to this beat!...
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love love love this trailer. ive watched almost all of inarritu's (amores perros, babel) films besides 21 grams and am even doing my final latin cinema project on amores perros. if that doesnt tell you how much i love this guy, i dont know what will! this trailer really is breathtaking. imdb says: This is a story of a man in free fall. On the road to redemption, darkness lights his way. Connected...
yay! this is quite unexpected and different but here are the promo posters for darren aronofsky's black swan. black swan is out dec 3rd!!! be there!...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost barfed from the epicness of it all!firstshowing.net: There's a lot going on in Tron world at the moment, as Disney is kicking off its enormous marketing push for the last few months leading up to its opening. First, they've debuted the first photo of Daft Punk inside the world of Tron Legacy, as seen below. That reveal comes with a new sampler of their track "The Game Has Changed" from...
ive talked about blue valentine since i first heard about it at sundance and even posted something about it. click here if you missed it. now here is the trailer that weve all been waiting for. even though i havent seen the film, it brings many nostalgic and bittersweet memories for me. there is also another clip that was released showing the couples magnetic chemistry.
the internet not only has become a source of information but a pool of mass communication and networking. so what happens when nev schulman, a new york photographer befriends abby pierce, an eight-year old art prodigy from rural michigan? surprisingly, unlike most online-based relationships, the innocent exchange goes past the facebook friend request. the relationship continuously grows as he befriends her mother, angela, angela's...