i stated the beginning of the new fall television season that i will be now watching tv. i had been so focused on films for the past few years and with the lack of a television it just got harder and harder to really find time to watch all the shows that i wanted to. with the surge of reality shows, it felt like good storytelling was really hard to come by. with the exception of community and two broke girls, i felt like the...
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i can say that as a fan of the millenium book series and swedish films that david fincher's version of the girl with the dragon tattoo is definitely worth watching. as for the question to who made the adaptation better, this argument could go on for years and years. although, im going to say that i did like the swedish films better for its representation of lisabeth's feminist ideals that made a stronger stance that roots...
I seriously had not anticipated seeing the trailer for the dark knight rises till next year, let alone before sherlock holmes: a game of shadows. i was completely thrown off and didn't even have a chance to prepare myself. what i experienced was sheer ecstasy/terror. i cannot believe the third film has already arrived. i know christopher nolan has something up his sleeve to end this trilogy...
ive seen a lot of mashup videos of the films of 2011 but this one by far is the best one. not only does it encompass and transports you through space and time but it has everything from blockbusters like Sucker Punch (blah) to indies' Hesher to foreign gems like I Saw the Devil. It's fucking awesome. i thoroughly enjoyed this above everyone else's. watch and enjo...
Once the new posters for MIB3 hit theaters, i automatically knew i HAD to see this next summer! alex billington from firstshowing.net (myfav) said "we've heard this sequel has gone through a lot of production problems and it shows, this looks a bit rough, almost made-for-TV." after reading that i had to give it a go and it has this tv gleam which makes it really campy. It is certainly shot in HD...
i wait for this video to come out every damn year. and as the years progress, im continually amazed how many great films comes out year after year. wow, i was so repetitive. but it is much needed repetition. i will be gathering my top ten films of 2011 list soon but for right now, check out this video. i dont know if its the same editor of the ones ive posted preceding years but nonetheless, its...
My Week with Marilyn (2011) is a British drama film directed by Simon Curis starring Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh, Eddie Redmayne, Julie Dench, and Emma Watson. The film is based on two books by Colin Clark which tells of his first job as an assistant director on the film The Prince and the Showgirl (1957) starring Marilyn Monroe and his alleged love affair with the most famous actress in world.
Newcomer actor...
The 8 minute trailer for the girl with the dragon tattoo was not released to the public till last week and im kind of late but those of you who havent seen it. here it is. without spoiling much, the trailer gives a very detailed intro of what to expect this upcoming dec 21st. i was basically crying every second throughout these glorious 8 minutes.. ...
OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMGGG!!! i wanted to see what the hype was about so i started to read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins about two months ago and god, im hooked! i dont want to say its the new harry potter but it beats the twilight series by a trillion degrees and its a series worth reading/watching! ive been waiting for the trailer and after watching it i seriously cannot wait for it! like harry...
At the San Diego Asian Film Festival there was back-to-back shorts showcase of Bong Joon Ho's Influenza and Park Chan Wook's Night Fishing.
Night Fishing was entirely shot on the Apple iPhone 4 which means Park has to put in more creativity and possibly effort. Park always blurs the lines with death and reality and once again he mixes the two together. this short film is a eloquent ghost story about fisherman (Oh Kwang-rok)...
At the San Diego Asian Film Festival there was back-to-back shorts showcase of Bong Joon Ho's Influenza and Park Chan Wook's Night Fishing.
Influenza opens the film by stating that only CCTV's (security cameras) were used to capture the downfall of Mr. Cho and the people around him. with this information in mind, it may convince the audience that every action and consequence was taken place in real life and that these people...
im probably the last person on earth that should make another blog but i did! and its a more personal one. i love dining out, taking photographs, and generally everything fashion so ill be posting everything i cant here, there! hope you guys enjoy. and check it out her...
October 19, 2011:
Fallen Angels (1995) - This is "considered" as the sequel to Wong Kar Wai's Chungking Express and i do see the similarities in both theme and characters but I would have to say I liked Chungking Express a bit more. It has same feeling of loneliness and longing but Chungking possessed a different kind of quirkiness that i have to admire. nonetheless, Fallen Angels is a beautifully...
October 11, 2011:
The Ides of March (2011) - Good: This is George Clooney's first attempt at directing and lets face it, its only good because he got all friends to help him out. It was interesting but not incredible and memorable enough ( i even forgot i watched it last week. ) It was an all-star cast with a very story about loyalty and betrayal with Ryan Gosling leading the pack. Bad: The story...
PLEASE VOTE FOR ME HERE! 'LIKE' AND COMMENT ON MY #2 ENTRY VIDEO, SO YUN UM! it all ends on tuesday, nov 18. 201...
October 7, 2011:
Tokyo Godfathers (2003) - Good: Critics have called this "the greatest anime ever!" thats a big statement to follow and while it isn't "the greatest anime ever!", the story and characters were interesting enough to watch. A group of homeless Bad: It isn't "the greatest anime ever!" and at times i felt like they relied on coincidences to develop their story. B-
The Housemaid...
people always say "this film is a tour-de-force, its unlike any other film out there! it will surprise and amaze you!" blah blah blah all that bullshit. but believe it or not, its hard to make a film nowadays without being and having some influence from other films in one's own work. but let me tell you dont trust me or all the critics in the world when they say that DOGTOOTH is by far the most original and superbly made...
September 26:
Friends with Benefits (2011) - Good: It's hard to not judge this film with No Strings Attached (2011) but Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis had much more chemistry that Portman and Kutcher (wth seriously?) It was fun and good and basically get what you expect from this movie. Bad: predictable but what do you expect? them not to get together? B-
September 27:
Lion King 3D (1994)...
im going to start watching a lot more television now considering that the film shouldnt be the only production i should be concerning myself with. so these are the shows ive been religiously/started watching...1) mad men: IF YOU DONT WATCH MAD MEN, YOU NEED TO START NOW. i love this show. this is one show that really makes me want to not go into film but into television. im going to need to finish season 4 after i watch boardwalk...
one of my favorite designer Proenza Schouler somehow teamed up with IDIOSYNCRATIC (its in caps for a reason) indie filmmaker Harmony Korine (gummo, mister lonely) and made "snowballs." i have no idea why PS would ever want Korine to film something but it is indeed interesting/freaky/scary. thats the exact sequence of emotions youre going to experience throughout the four minutes. if youve never seen...
September 19:
Thunder Soul- Good: truly uplifting story that will make the most cynical person tickle with laughter. I laughed and i cried, what more can i ask for? it is something to be witnessed in theaters as it brings a different kind of experience that will unite the audience as one. Bad: why don't i have the soundtrack already? A-
September 22:
The Guard- Good: in the history of buddy...
September 12:
Hesher (2010) - Good: JGL! and the newcomer Devin Brochu's performance. Cinematography. Bad: the lack of progression in JGL's character and his intolerable behavior. C
September 13:
Shop Girl (2005) - Good: Interior decoration, cast, and acting especially by Claire Danes. man, when she cries, it feels like the life is going to end. now, thats good stuff. Bad: Steve Martin's unnecessary...
This is probably the only film ive been waiting for about a good year to finally come to a theater near me. sadly, it didn't and im glad i didn't drive to los angeles to see this. Spencer Susser's debut feature film got a lot of praise at Sundance 2010 for what it seemed like a fresh story and a stellar cast including the ever so lovable joseph gordon-levitt and my favorite natalie portman. what was delivered was nothing...
This is the second poster that graphic designer Neil Kellerhouse has designed for the girl with the dragon tattoo and i must say, it is magnificent! what a perfect poster, i getting chills just looking at it! the film comes out dec 21s...
September 6:
The Debt (2011) - good: actors and the story. bad: something about how they executed it just doesnt add up. B-
Akira (1988) - good: possibly everything about it from the animation to the story. i love stories like this that unravels in such a particular way and keeps you pondering who akira really is. bad: to the directors of the upcoming remake of akira cause youre going to fail!...
Frank Capra's screwball masterpiece starring Clark Gable and a Marlene Dietrich look-a-like Claudette Colbert in this romantic comedy that unlike most "romcom aka romantic comedies" these days, it is actually filled with witty dialogue and outstanding actors. A spoiled heiress (Colbert) runs away from home and is helped by a man (Gable) who is actually a reporter looking for a story.
i would say that this is one of the...
i am going to write more reviews but im going to log weekly all the films ive seen and name one good and bad thing about the picture.
August 30:
30 minute or less. (2011) - good: aziz azsari. bad: the whole script. C-
August 31:
It Happened One Night (1934) - good: CLARK GABLE (ooolala, siizzzle, drool) bad: nothing.
I'm Still Here (2010) - good: joaquin phoenix's ability to fool the...
Kung Fu Hustle is a spectacle you have to see to believe. If I were to tell you that this Cantonese marital arts film entails characters that act like the looney tune characters on amphetamines would you even believe me? While most of the martial arts films like crouching tiger hidden dragon (2000) and hero (2002) are depicted in the upmost elegant manner, Stephen Chow takes the revered and graceful genre to another level...
After taking a few laps in feature filmmaking, Rodolphe Marconi decided to dip his little fins into the typhoon of documentary filmmaking. Unlike Werner Herzog who has the abilities to tread between the feature and documentary worlds, Marconi sadly drowns in his first attempt. Lagerfeld Confidential tells almost all about the world renowned mystery man behind the infamous shades. Karl Lagerfeld is a German fashion designer...
For those of you who do not know errol morris, it is time for you to get introduced to him.
Roger Ebert has said, "After twenty years of reviewing films, I haven't found another filmmaker who intrigues me more...Errol Morris is like a magician, and as great a filmmaker as Hitchcock or Fellini."
i first discovered morris while taking a documentary class earlier this year. we watched the thin blue...
this is my first seoul video of my korea video series. i hope to capture moments that display korean culture and atmosphere.. click and observe.
sadly, as a film lover i am incredibly embarrassed to say that i havent watch any of terrance malick's films including days of heaven (1978) and the thin red line (1998). but from what i know of him is that he uses nature as a major element in his films and uses one or more characters for narration. and while i havent seen his films, from the many clips ive seen of days of heaven his visionary style in cinematography alone...
Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris will make you fall in love with Paris over and over again. While there are many love letters to paris, this could possibly be the biggest tribute to the city ive ever witness. i was oooing and ahhing throughout the entire film as gil pender wanders the streets of modern day paris as he longs to live in the city during the 20's. this is a film only the older generations will truly understand...
it is finally here!! there are many good trilogies out there like star wars, back to the future, and the girl with the dragon tattoo (the swedish version) is no different. and as much as i love the swedish version, i cant help but be ecstatic for the u.s. version. i mean come on, david fincher!!! and rooney mara as lisabeth salander, is insane. lisabeth salander is my ultimate idol in profession,...
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its finals week and itll be the last week of my college career! yayy!! theres so many films and books that need to be watched and read before i leave for korea on the 12th of june! yippee!
1) bridesmaids
2) mad men: season two
3) everything must go
4) greatest film ever sold
5) joan rivers: a piece of work
6) valentino: the last emperor
7) fallen angels
8) howl
hopefully i can start...
there is this trailer extraordinaire called cobrasnake? that is notoriously known to make the most banal film's trailer look like the most mind-blowing film eeevvvvaa. and no surprise that the harry potter and the deathly hallows part II trailer looks fucking insane, i really do think it will live up to its hype and expectations....
Mary and Max is a 2009 Austrailian clay-animation feature directed and written by Adam Elliot. (my friend jeremy insists that i watch it! and thanks!) It tells of a 20 year pen pal friendship between two very idiosyncratic and different people: Mary Dinkle, a chubby, lonely, 8-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia and Max Horowitz, a 44-year-old Jewish man who is severely obese, suffers from asperger's...
The only people who get sucker punched in Sucker Punch is the audience (like myself) that willingly paid to get our brain cells utterly destroyed. why pay for a movie filled with girls in costumes that show their milky thighs and luscious breasts fighting "big bad monsters and soldiers" like in sucker punch instead of enjoying this obscene content in the very comfort of your couch with a box of tissues? i mean its basically...
"Photographer. Perfectionist. Loner. Maverick. Visionary."
all these words describe the new york times photographer bill cunningham. its sad to say but before this documentary i had no idea who bill cunningham was. but after watching this trailer im glad to know that there is someone like him out there, someone so committed to the world of fashion that he sleeps in a room full of cabinets (which...
to the many of you that may or may not follow my tumblr or twitter, you may not have known how psycho i was going over the whole the king's speech > the social network ordeal. Honestly, i dont understand and i dont think ill ever understand why oh why did the kings speech ever win best picture and best director over david finchers masterpiece. did the academy think that finchers upcoming rendition...
i think this is a book but i found a list of films that apparently i "must see before i die!" so im going to try to complete this list this year. i know im starting out slow but ive seen maybe like 1/5 of the films on the list, which isnt saying very much but im looking to change that. first off the list is...
1) dancer in the dark, lars von trier (2000)
2) all about my mother, pedro almodovar (1999)
im going to keep...
my fellow csulb film mate Bryce Marrero is trying to get funded to make his final thesis film "Bad Blood so please go support him if you can. click here for kickstarter...
at first it reminded me very much of thumbsucker. but firstshowing.net is calling it very wes anderson/noah baumbach-esque and i guess i kind of agree. it seems like a cute indie british film and by the hype of it at its premiere at the toronto film festival, i cant help but be excited about it too.
submarine is a comedy following a 15-year old boy named oliver tate who has two objectives: to lose his virginity before his next...
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