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to the many of you that may or may not follow my tumblr or twitter, you may not have known how psycho i was going over the whole the king's speech > the social network ordeal. Honestly, i dont understand and i dont think ill ever understand why oh why did the kings speech ever win best picture and best director over david finchers masterpiece. did the academy think that finchers upcoming rendition...
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i think this is a book but i found a list of films that apparently i "must see before i die!" so im going to try to complete this list this year. i know im starting out slow but ive seen maybe like 1/5 of the films on the list, which isnt saying very much but im looking to change that. first off the list is... 1) dancer in the dark, lars von trier (2000) 2) all about my mother, pedro almodovar (1999) im going to keep...
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my fellow csulb film mate Bryce Marrero is trying to get funded to make his final thesis film "Bad Blood so please go support him if you can. click here for kickstarter...
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at first it reminded me very much of thumbsucker. but firstshowing.net is calling it very wes anderson/noah baumbach-esque and i guess i kind of agree. it seems like a cute indie british film and by the hype of it at its premiere at the toronto film festival, i cant help but be excited about it too. submarine is a comedy following a 15-year old boy named oliver tate who has two objectives: to lose his virginity before his next...
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