September 19:
Thunder Soul- Good: truly uplifting story that will make the most cynical person tickle with laughter. I laughed and i cried, what more can i ask for? it is something to be witnessed in theaters as it brings a different kind of experience that will unite the audience as one. Bad: why don't i have the soundtrack already? A-
September 22:
The Guard- Good: in the history of buddy...
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September 12:
Hesher (2010) - Good: JGL! and the newcomer Devin Brochu's performance. Cinematography. Bad: the lack of progression in JGL's character and his intolerable behavior. C
September 13:
Shop Girl (2005) - Good: Interior decoration, cast, and acting especially by Claire Danes. man, when she cries, it feels like the life is going to end. now, thats good stuff. Bad: Steve Martin's unnecessary...
This is probably the only film ive been waiting for about a good year to finally come to a theater near me. sadly, it didn't and im glad i didn't drive to los angeles to see this. Spencer Susser's debut feature film got a lot of praise at Sundance 2010 for what it seemed like a fresh story and a stellar cast including the ever so lovable joseph gordon-levitt and my favorite natalie portman. what was delivered was nothing...
This is the second poster that graphic designer Neil Kellerhouse has designed for the girl with the dragon tattoo and i must say, it is magnificent! what a perfect poster, i getting chills just looking at it! the film comes out dec 21s...
September 6:
The Debt (2011) - good: actors and the story. bad: something about how they executed it just doesnt add up. B-
Akira (1988) - good: possibly everything about it from the animation to the story. i love stories like this that unravels in such a particular way and keeps you pondering who akira really is. bad: to the directors of the upcoming remake of akira cause youre going to fail!...
Frank Capra's screwball masterpiece starring Clark Gable and a Marlene Dietrich look-a-like Claudette Colbert in this romantic comedy that unlike most "romcom aka romantic comedies" these days, it is actually filled with witty dialogue and outstanding actors. A spoiled heiress (Colbert) runs away from home and is helped by a man (Gable) who is actually a reporter looking for a story.
i would say that this is one of the...
i am going to write more reviews but im going to log weekly all the films ive seen and name one good and bad thing about the picture.
August 30:
30 minute or less. (2011) - good: aziz azsari. bad: the whole script. C-
August 31:
It Happened One Night (1934) - good: CLARK GABLE (ooolala, siizzzle, drool) bad: nothing.
I'm Still Here (2010) - good: joaquin phoenix's ability to fool the...