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Badass Femmes is a bi-weekly column that I write on Crome Yellow about all the Badass Females in pop culture that has shaped my life. Raze doesn’t mess around, namely because it showcases a woman’s greatest fear (dying at the behest of a man), and strips its female characters of their freedom, showing who they are at their most feral, primal and unhinged. The premise of Raze is simple, exhibiting...
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Did someone say a new Sion Sono film?!?! If you happen to look at his IMDB page, apparently he has six films listed for 2015 including a tv movie. I don't know how the man does it but I am not complaining at all, quite the contrary! I am ecstatic to present another film by this idiosyncratic auteur who keeps tackling new genres in a visionary way only he can and this time, he brings us The Whispering Star. Starring...
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Could this short film be Gareth Evans' next project after his wildly successful The Raid films? Who knows but over the weekend, he dropped an untitled short film/test footage on his YouTube of footage that would fit the PG-13/12A rating so he could potentially make something that his daughter could watch. The results is an incredible 5-minute, action-packed, samurai fight that embodies the same kind of style and pace as...
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Just when I thought 2014 was an incredible year for film, 2015 rolls up and kills the game even further. There were a plethora of tremendously groundbreaking, forward-thinking, fresh films this year but I picked 10 films that truly resonated with me to my core, ones that transported me to another realm, and films that were made by the blood and soul of a cinephile. I've thought a tremendous amount about my top films so you...
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My love for posters has grown tremendously over the years and so whenever a film comes out, I anticipate the release of the film poster because it truly is another extension of the film's visual language and the essence of the film. In addition to 2014's Best Posters, this year's roster of great film posters was nothing but outstanding! Whether it is the vibrant and eye-catching imagery of Iris, the beautifully sun-soaked...
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