Guy Richie is coming out with a new film on Halloween (odd..) called Rocknrollla. haha, its an interesting choice for a movie name and its funny cause they spelled it out like how englishmen pronounce their words. they dont say "water", they say "wat a." hhahah. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch was practically the same movie, so hopefully this one will be different. Rocknrolla still...
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So, i went to the LA Film Festival and watched a prescreening of Clark Gregg's adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's book, Choke. And to be a good director, one doesnt necessarily need professional schooling or anything but the fact that it was directed by an actor turned director, it just made me feel kind of uneasy. it seems like they couldve done more with it and gregg just ended it a bit abruptly....
So, i watched Funny Games, the 2008 version directed by Michael Haneke. and seriously... seriously put it on top of your Netflicks queue because it broke all the rules and its unconventional methods surpassed my expectations for this film. usually, when one tries to be unconventional and attempt to do something different, the result can be brilliant or just down right hideously bad. luckily, in this case, it was refreshing and...
Knight Countdown: 5 weeks.or go here...Looks freaking siiiiiick man. i get chills everytime iwatch it... AHHHHHHH! i cant wai...
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOk, now i got that outta my system. i would just like to say that Spike Jonze is a genius and that i love him for life. He never ceases to amaze me with every project he pursues. And i know this is going to be disgustingly awesome. Now with that said, this is a leaked clip of Where The Wild Things Are which will premiere in 2009.
I'm all talk and no action. I say i'm going to update as soon as i have time but i feel myself getting increasingly lazier as the hot days past. But i will cause i want people to know about these things i'm going to talk about.
The CineVegas Film starts on June 12th - June 21st, which will screen all these new experimental, arty, flashy, new films such as The Wackness, Choke, Explicit Ills,...