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I dont know about you but thinking about seeing de niro and pacino in the same screen gives me the chills and the fever. i know they were in heat (1995) together but their legacy has grown since then and they're actually on the same side this time (or so they say). Righteous Kill is coming out next week (Sept. 12) at the same time burn after reading and i hear a movie hop session calling me... i won't go into details...
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Japaneses' most controversial director Takashi Miike is coming out with a new film this week by the name of Sukiyaki Western Django, starring none other than the spit-firing and king of kick-ass films, Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino plays a very minor character as Ringo. Miike has made the most outrageous movies in the past like audition and ichi the killer; it wouldnt be a complete surprise if Django was a disgusting blood bath....
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my obsession with brad pitt is rapidly increasing these days with his new film, burn after reading, coming out in merely weeks. and i have said time and time again that i would actually sit down and watch all his films. well, that time has come again and i will now set another mission for myself that i may or may not finish once again. (the whole harry potter mission ain't going to work out.) and my obsession with brad...
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Woody Allen is undeniably one of the most cynical writer/director i have come across. but inside every cynic, secretly there is a hopeless romantic inside. and thats just what woody allen is. almost all his films deal with relationships of some sort (annie hall, manhattan, match point). whether it is the mishaps, chances, or the downfalls of relationships, its all there...and really, vicky cristina barcelona is no different.vicky...
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it turns out that due to the writers' strike, the sixth installment of the harry potter franchise, will be postponed till july of 2009. Half Blood Prince was suppose to be released this November but warner bros thinks that due to the strike and lack of writers, 2009 films will not be prepared till later on, which will leave the harry potter film to fill that gap...   i guess we're all just...
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this is a complete dream come true. my favorite actor and director are coming together and making a uberviolent WWII film called inglorious basstards, with pitt as protagonist Lieut. Aldo Raine. Simon Pegg (hot fuzz), eli roth (dir: hostel), and b.j. novak (the office) has joined the cast as im assuming, as part of pitt's army. it is due out june 2009.  Tim Burton has decided to recreate the classic Lewis Carroll...
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every two years we have the pleasure of watching the olympics or the world cup, and i could not be happier. im not that into sports but something about these worldly events get me so riled up. day four of the olympics: which is why, i havent been updating as much as i would like to. my apologies. im completely enthralled and enveloped with the swim competitions as i was once a swimmer myself in my golden years. but really, back...
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Douglas Haddow wrote an article in the august/sept? issue of adbusters about the new generation of hipsters and this is what he said... "...have become shameless clichés of a class of individuals that seek to escape their own wealth and privilege by immersing themselves in the aesthetic of the working class.""Hipsterdom is the first “counterculture” to be born under the advertising industry’s...
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ive decided that i should stop blabbing about films that are mainstream and just stick to the independent ones. initially, i wasnt going to talk about mainstream cinema cause there are an abundance of film magazines out there that can give you the same information that i will. so, from now on, i solemnly swear  that i will try to talk indie and foreign films around the globe.  and...
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Cheesy much? what are they going to do now, make sailor moon? James Wong--the director of final destination 1&3--is actually going to attempt to make the classic japanese anime, Dragonball Z. its not even going to be titled dragonball Z, its just dragonball. though i shouldnt say much because i didnt watch the series as a child. but! unless, wong uses incredible CG and the same techniques as the comic/series, its just...
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i was watching Charlie Bartlett the other day and i kept thinking about teen flicks. in these kinds of films, theres always a simple concept but behind it, underlies the themes of trouble teenage life. (ie: drugs, pregnancy, psychological problems.) films such as saved, breakfast club and many others seem like a pretty corny teenage movie that unexpectedly turn out to be a story with some truth and heart. and i still think it...
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ive been listening to the dark knight soundtrack and it reassured my theory that when making a movie, if the music isn't good, the entire film can be a hit or a miss. im not saying that having bad music will make a film necessarily bad, but it won't evoke the same kind of emotions that the director intended the audience to have. there are so many great soundtracks but these are the only...
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