Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Not Mike, but Miike
Foreign Trailers
Japaneses' most controversial director Takashi Miike is coming out with a new film this week by the name of Sukiyaki Western Django, starring none other than the spit-firing and king of kick-ass films, Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino plays a very minor character as Ringo. Miike has made the most outrageous movies in the past like audition and ichi the killer; it wouldnt be a complete surprise if Django was a disgusting blood bath. i imagine it'll be something like...the good, bad, and the ugly with a kick of kill bill. i havent watched many samurai films nor westerns so i dont know if i can make any critique about how this western will be compared to the classics. but i know just by watching the trailer that it's going to be one hell of a ride...
or go here...
i just dont like it how its is dubbed in english. i really wouldnt mind watching it with subtitles as i have have for many foreign and american films already. i just know the public will dread watching something where they'll be required to read the dialogue. it used to irritate me but it's ok now. what irritates me now is tarantino's acting. i dont think he should allow himself to act. at first in pulp fiction, it was quite entertaining but it just became old and annoying..
and what i just realized is that i have Django in my computer right now. my friend let me borrow his black box and i didnt realize i had it until this moment. so what i will do is tell you if its good or not after i watch it. but honestly, you dont need me to tell you if itll be good or bad. the trailer was enough to know that miike has the abilities and vision to make any film of any genre look effortlessly stylized and entertaining...
edit: im watching a portion of it right now and i guess it wasnt dubbed in english considering how the actor's struggling and slurring speech is disconnected at times.. and honestly, what i really need now is subtitles... cause i cannot understand a single word...
3 critiques :
oh man! miike's awesome. have you seen the audition? INTENSE!
I really prefer watching movies that have subtitles. I find it more intriguing for some reason. Anyway, my pictures are working now! I have no idea what happened to my page!
Wow the trailer looks really interesting. I haven't seen a lot of samuri films (unless you count the lone wolf & cub series) but I love Tarantino so if he makes an appearance in this film, I'm going to have to track it down!
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