Is this love?
Revolutionary Road is about a young couple in the 1950s living in new york suburbia trying to come to terms with their personal problems. Sam Mendes, who also happens to be Kate Winslet's husband, beautifully crafts a story depicting the static and conformed lives in suburbia. i was enthralled with the reunion of the powerhouse actors known simply as none other than kate and leo. winslet continuously...
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Oscar season is here and last week, Entertainment Weekly named the 25 Movies You Need to See Before Oscar Night. so now my mission is to watch as many of these films as possible. you think i can do it? ill probably only complete half the list but here it goes..
Man on Wire
Frozen River
Wall E
The Visitor
The Duchess
The WrestlerNothing...TruthTropic ThunderRachel Getting MarriedGran...
my legs move faster and fasteras my heart remains static in the pastsweat drips down my facei turn to only see a boulder rapidly rolling downi wont feari wont judgei wont yelli will accept what's already been doneso i stop in my tracks with my heart in my handi close my eyes with fear washed across my facein hopes that the boulder wont crush me once againmy legs stand frigidlysweat enveloped palms...