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yeeep, thats right. a man by the name of kees van dijkhuizen has been making annual film mashups since forevers. and this one is by far the best one i have ever seen.i can proudly say that i can name the film of every clip that is shown in this glorious video. 2009 was definitely a year to remember for me in terms of films and personal life. the films of 2009 has helped shape my life in ways you...
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merry christmas everyone! i hope you enjoy this xmas to its fullest! have a merry christmas and a happy holiday!! i love you all! dearly and sincerely.as for me, ill be working and probably be eating at dennys ...
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what did you think were the best film posters in the past 10 years? dont know? the auteurs picks their favorites right here!i honestly cant think of all the film posters ive liked considering ive watched so many films just in the past three years, let alone think of all the film posters of the decade. but heres what i came up with. and yes most of them came out in 2009 but they were good!lady vengeance was one of the auteur's...
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dont read this if you dont want to read an angry rant. i just finished watching the cove and i cant help but feel so sadden by the situation. ive been caught sniffling and drying my eyes a lot lately. but as i watched this film, i realized who cares if your heart has been ripped out of you or have a few limbs torn and discombobulated when the water around the cove creates red shadows under the sea everyday. who care about our...
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NINE! there are definitely more than nine reasons why i love NINE, but here it goes.9 reasons why i loved nine:1) this is the product of the endless inspiration federico fellini's 8 1/2 brought. lets go back in time and chronicle how nine was created. first fellini's 8 1/2. then inspired an italian play by mario fratti. which inspired the tony award-winning musical called nine based on arthur kopit's book. which inspired michael...
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i got my first christmas gift today by my friend andrew. and after delicately peeling each ribbon and paper apart, the pulitzer prize novel, the road was revealed. i havent read any of cormac mccarthy's books but knowing that literary critic harold bloom has named him as one of the four major american novelist of his time, says a lot. his previous novel no country for old men was adapted to a film as well by the coen brothers...
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yes i saw avatar. yes i loved it. yes i am in love. heheavatar is like a roller coaster we've all been on before. but unlike any other roller coaster, james cameron has been nicely tucking and securing our seat belts for months, making sure that the anticipation of the upcoming ride will be well worth it. and without a moments notice, he smirks and send us off. and even though we know every turn, curve, dip, and twist, its not...
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the anticipation for avatar is probably killing everyone but have no fear cause the day is here! accordingly to entertainment weekly, here is 8 things you NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AVATAR!1. it takes place in the future when earth has run out of oil.2. a moon called Pandora is home to the Na'vi tribe. they live in a giant tree that sits on a vast store of a mineral called unobtainium, which humans want as an energy supply.3. cameron...
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imagine tarantino, jackson, cameron, reitman, daniels, and bigelow all in one room talking about their films. yyyyep, its real. ccccheck it out!!!see more here..this is honestly so exciting! i love filmmaker talk! the size difference of tarantino and jackson is quite astonishing. and considering that award season just started, be expecting non-stop news about these new films from here on till Fe...
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do you smell that? no its not chocolate chip cookies and red velvet cupcakes baking. nor is it the pine drizzling off the christmas tree. but!its the glorious smell of award season!!! its officially my favorite season!! this morning they announced the 2010 golden globes nominees and i couldnt be happier!!! this is soooo awesome. best picture:avatarthe hurt lockeringlourious basterdspreciousup in...
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ok everyone knows that i write down all the films i have seen throughout the year. and this year, i surprisingly EXCCEEEDDED my expectations. no joke. last year i manage to watch around 130 new films. and this year i was able to kickass a whooping 180! and the years not even over yet. so this is my goal. im trying to reach 200 new films before 2010. and i think its very doable. there are seventeen...
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dear no one,for the past three months, ive been banging my head against the wall hoping it will help me forget every moment, every touch, every smile, every kiss, every breath, and every heartbeat. i couldnt and didnt stop till one day he laid his hand on my shoulder and asked me to stop. he looked down at me with his big brown eyes and with a hammer in hand, did it for me. the next morning i woke...
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its done! production for gary the ghost hunter is done! im so excited for it to be edited and premiered!! brandon kendall is the director of this awesome short film and he was kind enough to let me on his crew! i was a script supervisor and it was tiring/fun/crazy/toomuchdonutsandpizzas/amazing!! yeah, all those things. here are some production photos i too...
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dear no one,life turns twists and turns its tiny little wings in funny ways dont it? it wasnt until i fully opened my eyes that i saw and realized how high she can really fly. she turns and mocks me every chance she gets but i cant blame her because it is ultimately i who can turn back and stick my tongue out or keep on walking ahead. even as she draws endless circles around me with the clouds, i...
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2009. this was the year, something incredible happened to me. i went through a portal and where it took me was somewhere i couldve never imagined. i experienced things ive never felt or done before. time didnt exist in this foreign land. it felt like i was meant to be here at this time and place almost like fate. i didnt know what my destiny was but reality was irrelevant. that moment we were living...
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dear santa,obviously, im not expecting you to get me everything on my christmas list so all im asking is for you to get me half! or even a quarter of it.1. of course the vengeance trilogy. ive been wanting this for life. and so maybe now i could finally get it please?2. ghost world comic book: possibly the greatest comic book ever! ha, what do i know i havent even read it yet. but the film was awesome.3. mac red lipstick4. those...
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