Saturday, March 20, 2010
my brangelia.
Kate Winslett Sam Mendes

as for her husband, his reputation stands just as strong against hers. sam mendes has directed some of the greatest films out to date. he made his first film debut with american beauty back in 1999 which won best picture and best director. after several films, he brought another tour-de-force film which is one of my all time favorites, revolutionary road.

and to hear that one of hollywood's most respected couple splitting up is completely heartbreaking. but as with life, there are ups and downs, twists and turns. and no matter how hard you try to navigate your own life, its sometimes slips out of your hands, no matter how hard you try to savor it. and like i always say, true romances never have happy endings.

2 critiques :
I'd prefer kate & leo -x
what about Titanic? (did not watch all the way to the end for any of the others you've listed)
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