I was skeptical when it was first announced that the bestseller book 'Life of Pi' was going to be adapted to the big screen. I'm not surprised that it is being adapted considering Hollywood has officially ran out of ideas. But after it was revealed that Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain, Crouching Tiger) would direct it, instead of thinking "how relevant is this movie?", I thought "I wonder how he will...
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I just finished my Breaking Bad marathon in hopes of continuing on to the fifth season but sadly, didn't make it for the season premiere that aired on the 15th of July. But I'm just glad I completed all four seasons in a rough, rough two weeks. It's been a morally confusing and soul-sucking ride through the toxic climate of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Viewers and critics alike have been madly raving about Breaking Bad and it...
Last Night (2010) // Massy Tadjedin // 93 mins
Last Night (2010) was one of those films where the trailer looked superb but when it was released it seemed like nobody was interested. Maybe partly because the critics were 50/50 on it and that's completely understandable. Last Night is a film about relationships much like Closer (2004) is but while Closer had many and multifaceted dimensions than Last Night , the latter...
Entertainment Weekly recently came out with a list of the '50 Best Films You've Never Seen' and thought that this was an appropriate movie challenge to tackle amidst writing my new short film, creating film/feminist stickers, and lastly working on a music video. Considering that I don't have a "proper" job, I might as well do everything I want to do while I'm young. Right? Right.
Luckily, I have already seen some of the films...
This is a MUST WATCH film. This is the first trailer for Craig Zobel's Compliance and prepare yourself before watching the trailer because the content is very unsettling. Compliance is about a teenage girl (Dreama Walker) working at a fast food restaurant who gets abused by her coworkers when a man claiming to be a cop on the phone is telling them what to do. It is based on true events...
Magic Mike (2012) // Steven Soderbergh // 110 mins
Magic Mike not exactly the kind of story you think it's going to be. This semi biographical story based on pre-fame Channing Tatum is one wild ride you didn't expect you'd be taking. Directed the genre-hopping chameleon, Steven Soderbergh, loads his bullets delicately and executes a sharp, witty, direct story about Magic Mike (Channing Tatum), a self proclaimed...