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I finally watched Brave yesterday and was blown away by its surprisingly different message from the trailer. I don't know if the Pixar + Disney collab took the gamble on only advertising half of the film knowing that the word of mouth would help promote the film or wanted to play it safe by telling the adventurous stories that most of their animated films entail. Either or, I was caught...
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I'm so sad that this film already came out in France and not in the US. I mean naturally, it should as Julie Delpy is French but still. Now, we have to wait a couple more months for the sequel to her explosively refreshing film,  'Two Days in Paris.' I heard so many things about it and honestly, did not expect much from the trailer. But after watching it, I was blown away. Hence, the reason...
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I'm so late on this! I've been interning at the Look East Festival so I've been swamped and haven't had time to blog! I had no idea Michel Gondry was coming out with two films! As I mentioned before that he is coming out with a coming-of-age film 'The We and the I' that has more of a documentary feel contrary to his usual quirky, surreal, and  fanstasy infused stories he is known for. Well, have no fear because he's back....
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If you didn't know already, I am a huge Asian cinema fan, especially of Park Chan-wook's work. His Vengeance Trilogy along with his other works like JSA (2000), It's Ok, I'm a Cyborg (2006), and Thirst (2009) have had incalculable influence on my womanhood. I am currently interning for Look East Film Festival. At first, i was beamed to hear that he was going to be one of the attendants. But almost...
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(click to enlarge) Snow White and the Huntsmen (2012, Rupert Sanders) Grade: ...
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