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Watch: Lance Bangs' Examines Love in 'Her: Love in the Modern Age'

As if I didn't post enough related to Spike Jonze's Her, I am back once again with a documentary brought to you by The Creators Project and Jonze's friend, Lance Bangs, chronicling the reactions to Jonze's film as well as featuring stories and reflections of their own experience with relationships, love, and technology. An array of artists from Author, Bret Easton Ellis to Comedian, Charlene Yi to even Opening Ceremony's Humberto Leon give testimonial of their experiences and you can't help but simply realize the beauty and tragedy of love. 

The doc takes us 360 on the different types and stages of relationships and it is presented in such a raw and intimate light, you are bound to be overwhelmed with emotion as we somberly nod in agreement to the reality of life that entails continuous growth and change. This is possibly my most favorite short doc I've seen in a while (also biased.)

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