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David Cronenberg's 'Maps to the Stars' Trailer

HOLY SHIT! I'm slightly late on this spanking new film by David Cronenberg called Maps to the Stars starring Julianne Moore, Robert Pattinson, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Carrie Fisher and Sarah Gadan. Maps to the Stars follows the twisted lives of Weiss family, a Hollywood dynasty-- a successful self-help guru Dr. Stafford Weiss and his wife Cristiana, who manages the careers of their burnt out child star kids Agatha and Genjie. It seems as though that the film will a commentary on the entertainment industry's relationship of fame and the western civilization. 

Maps of the Stars will premiere at Cannes this month and I can't wait to hear what kind of buzz it'll receive because with a trailer like that, there should be sufficient amount of chitter chatter. This is Cronenberg's second collaboration with Robert Pattinson since Cosmpolis and seems like this film is going to take on the same kind of satirical insanity the previous film possessed. I mean what about that opening shot of Julianne Moore yet alone, the rest of the wonkiness that ensues. Hello?! John Cusack?! That's totally bonkers. It seems as though we haven't seen Cusack on screen in quite some time but surprisingly he has been consistently shelling out work every single year and in 2014 year alone, he has a whooping 9 films coming out! It's interesting to witness Cronenberg's progressive genre choice of satire after making films like Crash (1996), A History of Violence (2005), and Eastern Promises (2007). Cannot wait for this craaaazy film to come out!

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