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Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

The X-Men are baaaaacccckk! We get to see old faces: Wolverine, Storm, Kitty Pryde and some new faces: Beast, Blink, Quicksilver, and much much more! X-Men: Days of Future Past is the 7th installment to the long running X-Men franchise including all the Wolverine movies. I don't know about you but I am starting to feel the fatigue of all these Superhero movies. The millennium will be known as the era of outcasted people in tights and sequels. And as much as it was bound to happen, unless they keep shelling out better content, I am going to quickly get sick of it. Good thing Kickass' very own Matthew Vaughn helped with the screenplay because even though Bryan Singer is a decent director on his own, I'm sure Vaughn had an immense impact on the success of the reboot of the series. Despite the negative comments I have about Singer, Days of Future Past was effortlessly thrilling in its action, performance, and story. It's been a while since I've been that invested and engaged with the X-Men and it feels good to feel that way again. 

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