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Badass Femmes: Anna from 'Martyrs'

Badass Femmes is a bi-weekly column that I write on Crome Yellow about all the Badass Females in pop culture that has shaped my life.

For those people who don't know this about me, I'm not a horror film fanatic. Since I'm not well versed in the genre, it's my mission in life to constantly broaden my horizon, whether it's discovering new films at Beyond Fest or somehow finding them on my own. Luckily, I have the expertise of your very own Sal from Crome Yellow to help me. And it was about this time last year when I finally had the nerve to watch a film highly regarded as one of the most horrifying experiences ever, Pascal Laugier's Martyrs. I went in with a gist of what to expect but when I crawled out, it was like I was stripped of my whole existence--reborn, bare, broken and transformed into a person I didn't recognize. that might seem like an exaggeration but those who have witnessed and experienced this singular film will know exactly what I'm talking about. Because like Anna in the story, we become martyrs simply by surviving the film. 

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