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Jake Gyllenhaal Wants a Job in the Nightcrawler Teaser

What in the world is this?! Clearly, this is viral stunt to promote the directorial debut of writer Dan Gilroy's new film, Nightcrawler, starring Jake Gyllenhaal. Apparently this video was quietly uploaded to YouTube with the statement "my video resume" by Lou Bloom, the character Gyllenhaal is playing. This is a great first teaser for the film as he talks for about a minute about how he is THE perfect candidate for the job! Nightcrawler is about a young man who stumbles upon the underground world of L.A. freelance crime journalism. The cast includes Bill Paxton, Rene Russo, Ann Cusack, Eric Lange, and Kevin Rahm. 

Gyllenhaal looks absolutely emaciated and deprived of sleep in this teaser that you can actually see the desperation in his eyes. That kind of look that is borderline eager yet desperate enough for him to suddenly snap and stab you with his butter knife. It's quite a different look than the ones we're used to seeing him as of lately in Denis Villeneuve's Prisoners (2013) as Detective Loki and L.A. cop Brian Taylor in End of Watch (2012). I can't wait to see a full trailer as this film looks like it could be one of those films where a character is on the brink of a mental breakdown! It's sadistic to adore those kind of films but it brings such a cathartic experience that you can't help but love them! Nightcrawler will open in limited theaters starting October 17th!

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