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'The Walking Dead' Season 5 Posters

I am literally salivating at these The Walking Dead Season 5 posters. I had written in my previous post about the 7 things about 'The Walking Dead' Season 5 trailer and the insanity that is about to ensue come the season premiere on October 12. Contrary to most of the previous season's promo posters, I'm digging these posters that highlight the individual characters from Glenn to Maggie to Daryl to Beth! They're at a point in the series where they don't even need to state what show it is but simply stamp the most important thing the audience needs to know which is "...Who Will Survive?" #Terminus. We don't know much about Terminus at this point but we do know that it is not a welcoming place considering the last scene we saw of the crew was of them being locked up in the boxcar. How they will get out, nobody knows. I can already tell season 5 is going to be an epic season. Let chaos reign!

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