Friday, November 13, 2009
the bunny suicides.
the virgin suicides? nonono, you heard me right the first time, the bunny suicides. andy riley is the genius behind the bunny suicides. and lately, ive become obsessed with them. riley wrote the book of bunny suicides: little fluffy rabbits who just dont want to live any more back in 2003. and it created a sensation and became the bestselling collection of one image black comedy cartoons EVER!!! haha. and so by popular demand came the return of the bunny suicides in 2004.
i came across this epic creation recently when i went to barnes and was immediately attracted to the morbidly humorous 2010 planner that was the bunny suicides. after that, i was hooked. i went online and found the most entertaining and cute ones i could get my hands on. and amazingly, they have many references to iconic films of the past.
The Terminator--

stanley kubrick's dr. strangelove--

Star Trek--

Star Wars--!!

and of course, my other favs

click here for more!!!
arnt they just the effing cutest thing ever?
oh and p.s. im probably gonna get the planner. haha
6 critiques :
definitely cute. i love cartoons like these, so sweet!
xx raez
hihihi so cute!!!! Thanks for sharing this!
Have a great week ahead!
never heard of him until now! thanks for sharing
of course they are the cutest things... lovely post sweet!!
haha those are great!!
i love the quote in your about me section,its so interesting and very true.
<33 much love!
Very strange... and very funny!
hehe someone bought me this book as a gift... it's deliciously adorable.
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