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Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity (2013)

There is not one word that can wholly describe the EXPERIENCE that is Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity. He has masterly succeeded in creating a film that is technically astute as it is emotionally resonating to tell a gripping story of the power of human resilience. Gravity is thrilling enough to satisfy blockbuster lovers as well as impress cinephiles with the pristinely grandiose spectacle of space unseen in any science fiction film in recent years. Sandra Bullock becomes the modern day representation of female heroism as she presents a deeply embedded emotional complexity to her character as Ryan Stone, a fragile astronaut who recently lost a daughter. Not only does she fights the most arduous emotional battle but is also faced with the reality of undertaking one of the most horrifying physical and mental journey to survive space when death seems like an easier answer. Gravity does powerfully tell the story about the perseverance of the human spirit but it is more about the transcendental experience of the film that’ll be remembered for years to come. A 

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