i think this year i watched more films than i ever did in five years. i watched about 127 new films this year. and thats just NEW films. i tend to watch at least one film everyday before i eventually fall asleep. 2008 wasnt a GREAT year but it was a year of progressing development and experience. i mean every year should be a year of development and experience but this year has a little bit more to offer. i watched everything...
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talk about these trailers being epic! wow.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1st)
or go here...
Terminator Salvation (May 22)
or go here....
those ' i <3 ny' shirts were made for a reason and anyone who buys it obviously buys it for one purpose and one purpose only: CAUSE THEY REALLY DO LOVE NEW YORK! and as a born-californian, i am sad to say that i no longer feel like a true californian after my journey to the big apple. it was such a surreal feeling that i couldnt actually fathom the the reality of the situation. i still cant believe i went and came back from...
i have never wondered what it would look like if brad pitt entered the mind of wes anderson, until NOW. pitt is in a new japanese commericial--directed by anderson--advertising what it appears to be cameras?or go here..undeniably cut...
since i am already failing school, i might as well just update you of the oscar worthy films yet to come.
wendy and lucy already came out yesterday but kelly reichardt's lastest independent film starring michelle williams is sure to hit close to home. it may seem like a 'into the wild' for girls with a slightly different motive. it is about an alienated woman who decides that there is nothing keeping...
CLICK HERE. the magazine is getting better and better as time progresses... and i am so honored that kristin is letting me express my passion through her art... GO TO PG. 22. !! ENJOY....
halloween is long over but i would like to share my halloween outfit. im sure you can guess what i was by now... if not, ill give you a hint and say, i was a certain infamous character in a stanley kubrick classic. got it now? and my friend amy, was tom cruise from risky business of course! she was going to be lydia from beetlejuice but she said it was a hassle to put everything on so she surprised us by dressing as THE...
last weekend, afi fest was happening down at arclight in los angeles and let me tell you, WHAT A DAY IT WAS! the morning was intense (ive been overusing this word a lot) with multiple interviews of executive producer of gossip girl, director of sydney white, premieres of other samsung fresh films, and just interacting nonstop with many cinephiles. caitlin, my fellow filmmaker and many others roamed around la and ate at the imfamous...
ive been writing my USC essay and the topic i chose was PASSION. what is passion? what is my passion? what can be constituted as passion? after strenuous hours of contemplating these questions, i thought about films with passionate characters. sure sure sure, those true life stories adapted onto the big screen has passionate characters but what does it take to actually move the callous opinionated...
ive seen many spoofs, remakes, and etc of epic movies such as there will be blood but this trailer of there will be bud is by far the best one ive seen. not only is the quality great but the lines and the actors are deliciously good and on point. cheeck it...or go here...p.s. its very strange cause paul thomas anderson's oscar nominated film was spoofed, twisted, and mocked by many youtubers and...
OK, so my friends and i go to Hermosa Beach's Saint Rocke to see Justin Nozuka perform only to find out that the place is 21+ and over. we so infuriated and appalled that we sulked all the way to mama d's and ate our frustrations away. and thinking that HE is here. HE IS HERE. IN CALIFORNIA. we couldn't miss the chance to actually see him, or at least talk to him! so we go back and at this point,...
the new oliver stone film, W, is coming out today. and by the looks of the preview, all i can say is, really? i dont know whether to judge george w. bush played by josh brolin as a true depiction of who he really is. it is known that bush is a jokester but the preview just threw all my previous assumptions about our president out the window and augmented my worst fears realized about how for eight...
Honestly, it was the best five days of my life.. it felt like summer camp and i really never wanted to leave... it was an amazing experience and im am eternally grateful for it. my team 'team friggen awesome' lived up to its name and made the most of the trip by exploring iowa to its limitless extent.. i am currently inundated with school work so i leave you with these photos.. i will also upload more pictures...
hahah. with this song. im in love with this song. its quite amazing. well, i leave you here with this as i am currently finishing up my homework before i head out to iowa at 4 am. so long!JUSTIN NOZUKA.&nbs...
its been only ONE day since october has started but i can tell its going to be a hectic/incredible/mind-blowing month. for one thing, i was shocked that i won the national guard contest. but this... i DID NOT EXPECT.
theres this 14 year old girl name kristin, who has an online fashion magazine and its soon becoming one of the most known online publications in the world. its called prim. have you heard of it? if not now,...
ive been so busy with school and everything that im going to apologize beforehand if i dont update anytime soon... schools is kicking my ass raaah now.. as well as work.
its unbelievable how fast october is approaching. there are so many fantastic films that are coming out this fall considering how its almost oscar time. and also, one of my FAVORITE holiday...
i didnt want to mention anything till the deal actually went through. but, after weeks of being doubtful and negative, i got the most unexpected call ive been waiting for. a month ago or so, i entered this contest to shoot a documentary about the national guard. and turns out i was one of the 15 who got picked from all over the country to fly to iowa and live there for five days...
it was all...
i just wanted to share this picture. they are so adorable, i really wished they stayed together. frankly, im a bit upset with jonze for dating drew barrymore for a while.. come-freaking-on, drew barrymore? im glad that he moved on from that fling and onto something possibly more serious with michelle williams... as for coppola, she is happily taking care of her daughter, romy with lead singer of uk's phoenix, thomas mars.but...
ive said time and time again that if i every make a film of any sort, i will do it with complete honesty and rawness. and every once in a while, ill come across a film with such TRUTH that even watching the trailer, i will start to tear up from the sheer validity of the movie. thats what movies SHOULD do, present an event, real or fake, and inform and enlighten viewers with sincerity. Martin Scorsese's...
if i were to recall all the things that happened this week, i guess i can officially say that it was a good and busy week for me. i met a couple of really cool people, worked on some projects, studied a bit, and blah blah blah. and i reeeaaly would like to announce some good news but ill wait and see if the deal goes through. and all in all, minus the anxiety-ridden stress, it was a good week.
and tomorrow! the 12th! burn after...
red brimmed stones surround me.mount me.crush me.suffocate me.till im no longer that personempty shadows stare backblank faces. hallowed eyes.what happened? what happened?how did we let this happen?screaming and crying knowing nothings there.what was once laughter slowly fades into awkward glances.the sun quietly sets.the luminous shine will glow no longer.the cement hardens.legs and arms stiffen.throat...
i do recall watching this preview for beautiful losers some time last year. and i wanted to watch it while i was at the vegas film festival but somehow couldnt make the date. and so, here i am reunited with the film via myspace advertisement that just came out this past friday in los angeles at the landmark nuart. chhhheckk it.or go here...im thinking that im just going to work insanely a lot...
I dont know about you but thinking about seeing de niro and pacino in the same screen gives me the chills and the fever. i know they were in heat (1995) together but their legacy has grown since then and they're actually on the same side this time (or so they say). Righteous Kill is coming out next week (Sept. 12) at the same time burn after reading and i hear a movie hop session calling me... i won't go into details...
Japaneses' most controversial director Takashi Miike is coming out with a new film this week by the name of Sukiyaki Western Django, starring none other than the spit-firing and king of kick-ass films, Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino plays a very minor character as Ringo. Miike has made the most outrageous movies in the past like audition and ichi the killer; it wouldnt be a complete surprise if Django was a disgusting blood bath....
my obsession with brad pitt is rapidly increasing these days with his new film, burn after reading, coming out in merely weeks. and i have said time and time again that i would actually sit down and watch all his films. well, that time has come again and i will now set another mission for myself that i may or may not finish once again. (the whole harry potter mission ain't going to work out.) and my obsession with brad...
Woody Allen is undeniably one of the most cynical writer/director i have come across. but inside every cynic, secretly there is a hopeless romantic inside. and thats just what woody allen is. almost all his films deal with relationships of some sort (annie hall, manhattan, match point). whether it is the mishaps, chances, or the downfalls of relationships, its all there...and really, vicky cristina barcelona is no different.vicky...
it turns out that due to the writers' strike, the sixth installment of the harry potter franchise, will be postponed till july of 2009. Half Blood Prince was suppose to be released this November but warner bros thinks that due to the strike and lack of writers, 2009 films will not be prepared till later on, which will leave the harry potter film to fill that gap...
i guess we're all just...
this is a complete dream come true. my favorite actor and director are coming together and making a uberviolent WWII film called inglorious basstards, with pitt as protagonist Lieut. Aldo Raine. Simon Pegg (hot fuzz), eli roth (dir: hostel), and b.j. novak (the office) has joined the cast as im assuming, as part of pitt's army. it is due out june 2009.
Tim Burton has decided to recreate the classic Lewis Carroll...
every two years we have the pleasure of watching the olympics or the world cup, and i could not be happier. im not that into sports but something about these worldly events get me so riled up. day four of the olympics: which is why, i havent been updating as much as i would like to. my apologies. im completely enthralled and enveloped with the swim competitions as i was once a swimmer myself in my golden years. but really, back...
Douglas Haddow wrote an article in the august/sept? issue of adbusters about the new generation of hipsters and this is what he said...
"...have become shameless clichés of a class of individuals that seek to escape their own wealth and privilege by immersing themselves in the aesthetic of the working class.""Hipsterdom is the first “counterculture” to be born under the advertising industry’s...